If you are someone with chronic kidney disease, there is a very good chance you suffer from multiple serious symptoms, including nausea, vomiting, fatigue, mental fog, muscle twitches, chest pain, shortness of breath, high blood pressure, and more. Rather obviously, this is enough to put someone out of work. However, insurance companies do not always feel that way, which is why you must read on and speak with our experienced long term disability attorneys to learn more about how we can help you receive the benefits you and your family need.
Long term disability insurance is designed to assist individuals financially who are unable to return to work. If you are granted disability, you will either receive one lump-sum payment, or monthly insurance payments.
The first thing you will have to do is speak with your employer or insurer so you can learn more about your plan. From here, you and your attorney will file an insurance claim within 180 days. In your claim, you must include various types of evidence that prove your medical condition significantly affects your daily life, thereby preventing you from returning to work for the foreseeable future. Some of the most useful forms of evidence are MRI’s, x-rays, and especially doctor’s notes detailing exactly how your medical condition affects you on a daily basis.
Once you file for long term disability, you will enter the elimination period, which is anywhere between 30 and 90 days. This is the period of time you must wait to receive your benefits. Unfortunately, the elimination period is known to last up to an entire year, which is why you need to hire a knowledgeable and aggressive team of attorneys who will fight to make the process as quick and painless as possible.
If you are someone who has recently had their disability claim denied, do not panic–there is still hope. First, you must hire an experienced long term disability attorney who will file an appeal within 180 days of your being denied. While they may deny the appeal, there are other actions an attorney can take, however, this is a critical point in your claim, which is why you need an experienced legal team on your side. Our firm is here to help.
If you or someone you know is looking to receive long term disability benefits and needs the help of an experienced attorney, contact Walker & Hern today.
Our firm has significant experience helping people just like you retain or defend their Long Term Disability Benefits. Contact Walker & Hern for a free consultation.
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