When you suffer from heart failure, you are at constant risk of blood backing up into other parts of your body, causing organ or even extremity congestion. Those living with congestive heart failure find it harder to breathe, often have swollen ankles or feet, an increased heart rate, a constant cough, or even deal with bouts of confusion. Perhaps the worst part about congestive heart failure is that it only gets worse as time goes on.
Congestive heart failure is an expensive medical condition to treat, so if you are unable to work, you may be scratching your head as to how you are going to pay for it. This is where our firm can help. We have years of experience in helping clients obtain long term disability insurance that helps cover the cost of the medical bills, in-home care expenses, and more. If you suffer from congestive heart failure and beleive you are ready for long term disability insurance, please read on to learn more about how our firm can help you.
Nobody ever wants to have a condition that prevents them from returning to work, however, it happens more than you’d like to imagine. Fortunately, long term disability insurance is designed to help ease the burden of a career-ending medical condition. When you are approved for long term disability insurance, you will receive either monthly insurance payments or one lump-sum payment. However, you will first have to hire a seasoned attorney, as insurance companies do not gladly turn over insurance benefits. An experienced attorney can help establish the most convincing claim possible.
First, you must either contact your employer or insurer to get a better understanding of your policy. You will then file an insurance claim within 180 days. In this claim, your attorney will ensure you supply detailed doctor’s opinions, MRI results, your medical records and history, and more. Why risk losing out on the insurance you truly need? Reach out to our firm who will aggressively fight your rights.
If you have any of the following medical conditions, there is a very good chance you may also qualify for long term disability insurance:
If you or someone you know is looking to receive long term disability benefits and needs the help of an experienced attorney, contact Walker & Hern today.
Our firm has significant experience helping people just like you retain or defend their Long Term Disability Benefits. Contact Walker & Hern for a free consultation.
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