If you are somebody who has become disabled, you may be feeling the pressure of both your physical inabilities as well as wages lost, especially if you are unable to return to work. If you find yourself in this situation, you may be wondering what your next step is going to be. Thankfully, with a bit of self-education and an experienced attorney by your side, you may be able to access the long term disability you need and deserve. If you wish to apply for long term disability, then here are some of the questions you may have:
Essentially, long term disability mitigates some of the very steep financial burdens you may be facing as a disabled person. However, despite the fact that you may need this insurance, there is still a good chance the insurance companies will do whatever they can to deny you of the relief you deserve. This is why it is so important that you hire an experienced attorney who will fight for your rights when the situation calls for it.
There are several mental and physical conditions that may qualify, and if you can prove they have a significant enough impact on your life, you may qualify for long term disability insurance. Here is a list of some of those conditions:
The first thing you must do is have a conversation with your insurer or employer. Then, you must file your claim within 180 days. Missing any deadlines throughout this process will give insurance companies a reason to deny you of your benefits. Additionally, you must provide all the necessary documents that illustrate exactly how your condition prevents you from working, as well as documents containing your family’s medical history. A supporting doctor’s note may also prove useful, especially if he or she emphasizes how your condition makes your job impossible. Once your claim is approved, you may choose to either receive one lump sum or monthly payments.
If you or someone you know is looking to receive long term disability benefits and needs the help of an experienced attorney, contact Walker & Hern today.
Our firm has significant experience helping people just like you retain or defend their Long Term Disability Benefits. Contact Walker & Hern for a free consultation.
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